- dikt
- n.сочинение на латыни
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
diktə — <lat.> köhn. İmla. Diktə etmək – 1) başqasına eşitdirib yazdırmaq üçün ucadan söyləmək; 2) məc. zorla qəbul etdirməyə çalışmaq, əmr etmək, buyurmaq. Şərtlərini diktə etmək … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
dikt — I s ( en, er) II adv tätt emot, nära intill … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
cynodictis — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈdiktə̇s noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from cyn + dictis (from Greek diktys, an unknown Libyan animal mentioned by Herodotus) : a genus of extinct carnivores from the Eocene and Oligocene of Europe that were long bodied… … Useful english dictionary
dictatory — ˈdiktəˌtōrē, tȯr , ri adjective Etymology: Latin dictatorius : dictatorial … Useful english dictionary
Dictograph — ˈdiktəˌgraf trademark used for a telephonic instrument for picking up sounds in one room and transmitting them to another or recording them … Useful english dictionary
dictum de omni et nullo — |diktəmdā|ȯmnēˌetˈnu̇(ˌ)lō Etymology: Latin, maxim of all and none : an axiom in logic: whatever may be affirmed or denied of a class may be affirmed or denied of every member of it … Useful english dictionary
interdictor — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈdiktə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: Late Latin, from Latin interdictus (past participle) + or 1. : one that interdicts 2 … Useful english dictionary
interdictory — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|dikt(ə)rē, ri adjective Etymology: Late Latin interdictorius, from Latin interdictus (past participle of interdicere to interdict) + orius ory : having the power or effect of interdicting : relating or belonging to interdiction :… … Useful english dictionary
ad·dict — /ˈædıkt/ noun, pl dicts [count] 1 : a person who is not able to stop taking drugs : a person who is addicted to drugs The clinic provides counseling for (drug) addicts. a heroin/cocaine/crack addict 2 informal : a person who likes or enjoys… … Useful english dictionary
Dic·ta·phone — /ˈdıktəˌfoʊn/ trademark used for a machine that records a person s spoken words so that the words can be written down later … Useful english dictionary
Stein Mehren — (* 16. Mai 1935 in Oslo) ist ein führender norwegischer Schriftsteller, Lyriker und bildender Künstler. Er studierte Philosophie und Biologie, und machte als Lyriker mit Gjennom stillheten en natt 1960 sein Debüt. Mehren schreibt auf Riksmål und… … Deutsch Wikipedia